If you would like to talk to someone straight away, please phone:
Mindline: 0300 123 3393 available 24/7
Samaritans: 116 123 available 24/7 all year
NHS crisis support for Somerset: 0800 138 1692
Suicide Prevention: 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 available 10am to 8pm Monday to Friday
If you need to report any Safeguarding incident related to our clients during term time or holidays, please contact us using the following email: safeguarding@conquestcentre.org.uk
Open Mental Health ‘Stay Well in 2025’
Get help now: Follow link
Mindline Somerset - Open Mental Health
Get help now: Follow link
Citizens Advice: Follow link
NHS: Where to get urgent help for mental health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Samaritans of Taunton and Somerset: Samaritans - Preventing Suicide, Providing Hope (samaritanshope.org)
Or 01823289456 Local call charges apply. 116123 free from any phone.
NHS Somerset Foundation Trust. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Somerset (CAMHS) - Somerset CAMHS - CAMHS (somersetft.nhs.uk) or 0300 1245012
SomersetCouncil: Somerset Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Adviceand Support (SENDIAS)
Somerset Council Children Services (SOMERSET DIRECT)
About Children’s Social Care (somerset.gov.uk) Or 0300 123 224
Report a Concern - Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership
Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership – Multi-agency guidance for all who work with children and young people and their families for graduated early help, targeted and specialist support.
Contact (somersetsend.org.uk) Or you can call SENDIAS on 01823 355 578
SOMERSET DIRECT Childrens Services 0300 123 2224
Every Life Matters
Orange Button - Every Life Matters
Age UK Somerset
Age UK Offers lots of services for local older people, their families and their carers.
Open Mental Health Somerset
Somerset Village & Community Agents